2. Create a better learning environment for students of the engineering college Why did you want to run for this position? I wish to represent the engineering student population and champion their ...
The Chinese are right, there is a lot of political controversy surrounding this year's Olympics. And there very well should be. Just like anybody else, I don't want to make a sacred sporting event ...
Tempe police reported the following incidents Friday: A 22-year-old transient man was arrested at the Circle K located at 2196 E. Apache Blvd. on Thursday afternoon and was charged with shoplifting.
What experience do you have? I have worked with student government in the past and have been actively involved in working toward progress and improvement on various levels. Also, I have been a member ...
More money could be in students' pockets this fall after receiving medical care. The Council of Presidents, made of the three Arizona university presidents, reviewed a renewal plan Tuesday that would ...
For some people, every day is a struggle. Simple tasks take more effort than usual, and life is dull. Elizabeth is a business senior at ASU who understands this struggle. She is suffering from severe ...
I am writing in response to Maximilian Werner's anti-war movement opinion from Sept. 26. Mr. Werner, I can fully understand your excitement about the number of people participating in the anti-war ...
In honor of getting my W-2 for tax year 2006, I wish to remind everyone of the ridiculous provisions for the "Aid to Education Fund." Enacted in 1998, it is one of several "voluntary gifts" an Arizona ...
We all know USC will blow away UCLA and Notre Dame will spank Stanford, but what of the mighty Sun Devils? Can they get back in the saddle Friday against UA and ride off into the Insight Bowl sunset ...
students to know, or care about it. While we're putting on sunscreen and halfway out of the door, ABOR will be voting on a mandatory meal plan for students who apply for housing. An 8.5 percent ...
Tempe police reported the following incidents on Friday: A Tempe man was arrested for disorderly conduct near the 1300 block of West University Drive. Police reportedly observed the man physically and ...
Following a westward-driving path through Phoenix this coming Sunday is a band at the forefront of a modern movement in rock n' roll. We Are Wolves is a Montreal-based trio that is contributing to a ...