The rapid fall of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad reflects the dramatic changes that have swept the strategic landscape of ...
Grand Theft Auto VI isn’t just going to be the biggest video game of 2025. It will almost certainly be the biggest game of ...
In exchange for helping Donald Trump get re-elected by spending $130 million on Trump’s and down-ballot Republicans’ ...
Germany is the poster child for everything that is wrong with the European economy. GDP is on track to fall for a second ...
Planning a camping trip, Matthew Berman remembered hearing that pitching your tent on top of your car instead of on the ...
Analitiki potezo interpretirajo kot udarec za Gazprom in uspeh za Evropo na poti energetskemu osamosvajanju od Rusije. Ruski ...
Prečesal sem ocene poslovanj za leto 2024, pregledal dividende politike slovenskih borznih družb ter se vprašal, kako visoke ...
Trajnost, ESG, zeleni prehod so koncepti, v katerih podjetja vidijo dodano vrednost ali pa dodatno breme. Kako je v Sloveniji ...
Njegov tovor je bila vreča, polna otroških pisem, ki so jih zbrali od zaposlenih v Renaultu Trucks, prek družbenih omrežij in ...
Proizvodnja v nuklearki od januarja do konca novembra je bila 1,8 odstotka nad načrtom, posebej izstopa rast proizvodnje v ...