For the first time in many years, Berlin has reached the 5,000 mark for approvals for the construction of subsidized housing.
Hydrogen trains in Brandenburg, night trains to Switzerland and ICE trains to Paris: the new rail timetable brings new and ...
The 29-euro ticket in Berlin is to be abolished. It is now clear: subscribers can use the offer for 29 euros for the full ...
What can schools spend their money on? There are often strict limits. The Senator for Education wants to make it easier for ...
The extensive authorization for the use of the drug cannabis has been in force since April. However, there is hardly any ...
For German football fans, it is a reason to rejoice. For the NFL, it is the logical response to the boom in this country. The ...
Oranienburger Straße is one of the most famous promenades in Berlin. In addition to numerous sights, many bars and ...
The Freie Universität is the largest university in the capital. It is one of Germany's elite universities and was the driving ...
From April 1, the Berlin social ticket will cost 19 instead of 9 euros - if the Berlin-Brandenburg Transport Association (VBB ...
Bis Ende 2025 wollen Archäologen am Molkenmarkt noch nach Spuren der Berliner Geschichte suchen. Nun sind sie erneut fündig ...
Berlin hat erstmals nach vielen Jahren wieder die 5.000er-Marke bei den Bewilligungen für den Bau von Sozialwohnungen ...
Wasserstoffzüge in Brandenburg, Nachtzüge in die Schweiz und ICE-Züge nach Paris: Der neue Bahn-Fahrplan bringt für die ...