Imagine being able to ‘cheat’ the seasons and live in an everlasting summer, or at least avoid the worst of the winter chill. Well, many birds do just that. The power of flight enables avians to move ...
There is a lot more to bird communication than how a bird sings to attract a mate or the calls it makes in response to threats to a nest site or territory. Bird body language tells us a great deal ...
The avian beak and skull are incredibly specialized structures that highlight the diversity of birds and even provide hints at how evolution has shaped life on Earth. Have you ever wondered why bird’s ...
Birds are a highly successful class of animals that have colonized every continent and evolved into the roughly ten thousand species we know today. Their advanced reproductive strategy is just one of ...
Each bird family carries a unique tale of evolution, habitat, and behavior. From the majestic raptors to the enchanting songbirds, discover each family in our in-depth guides below to start learning ...
The Pygmy falcon, Africa's smallest raptor, is a pint-sized predator with a striking white and rufous plumage, native to the arid regions of Eastern and Southern Africa. Despite its diminutive size, ...
Once considered the same species as the carrion crow, hooded crows were recognised as a distinct and separate species in 2002. They are widely distributed across northern, eastern and southeastern ...
A common addition to many bird-friendly yards with regularly stocked feeders and nest boxes is the provision of a bird table, which householders keep filled with fresh water. Thirsty birds will ...
To keep up with the growing human population and the increasing requirements for housing and industry, large areas of countryside have been lost to development, and with it, significant areas of ...
Each year, billions of migratory birds switch between spring/summer breeding grounds and overwintering grounds, although their movements vary greatly between species and populations. Their journey may ...
Bird migration has captured our imagination throughout history, although a solid understanding of avian movements has remained elusive until relatively recently. Modern science and technology have ...
Anyone who has taken a few moments to watch birds feeding in a yard, swimming on a lake or soaring overhead will have noticed the remarkable diversity in bird behavior and how birds are adapted to ...