Altès – also known as Monel Felix, Alfred Mones, "Mikanò" and "King Micanor" – took "advice from a voodoo priest", who ...
Almost 200 people were butchered in Haiti last weekend after a gang leader was incited by a voodoo priest. Volker Turk, human ...
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) this week extended the ban on American air carriers flying routes to Haiti or ...
Haiti’s prime minister has held his first press conference since being appointed more than a month ago to oversee the ...
The bishops of Haiti denounced the “dehumanizing violence” that has plagued the country since the beginning of 2024.
The National Human Rights Defense Network (RNDDH), an NGO in Haiti that monitors state institutions and promotes human rights education, said on Sunday at least 110 people - all aged over 60 - had bee ...
Haiti's government on Wednesday celebrated the reopening of the capital's Toussaint Louverture International Airport, shut ...
A human rights lawyer says deportations are indefensible, and the US must stop bolstering Haiti’s undemocratic parties.
Many Haitians have little hope that a multinational security mission there can bring anyone to justice for the gang massacre ...
The U.S. Embassy has condemned the massacre that took place over the weekend in the Waf Jeremie neighborhood of Cité Soleil.
A coastal community in Haiti’s capital is reeling days after a gang leader was accused of killing more than 100 people to ...