As the chill of winter settles in, many gardeners feel their outdoor spaces lose their vibrancy and life. However, the cold season is the perfect time to get a head start on your gardening projects by ...
To most people, a dressing of leaf lettuce on a burger or a pizza might look like a crime even if it adds a crunchy texture.
Butterhead lettuce has a delicate texture and slightly sweet flavour and is a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron, which contribute to hydration, immune support, and oxygen transport in ...
Cancel anytime. ST. LOUIS COUNTY — Officials on Friday said test results show that the lettuce taken from a local catering company was not infected with E. coli, the bacteria that sickened over ...
Despite a recent negative test result for lettuce samples from Andre’s Banquets & Catering, investigators remain focused on the local catering company as the probable source of contamination.