Indie games on Xbox Game Pass offer innovative and daring experiences that showcase the passion and hard work of small studios. Celeste, Amnesia: The Bunker, and Goat Simulator are some of the ...
"REPLACED is a 2.5D sci-fi retro-futuristic action platformer where you play as R.E.A.C.H. - an artificial intelligence trapped in a human body against its own will. REPLACED combines cinematic ...
"Almost ready is not part of Ally Corp’s vocabulary," says 11 bit studios, announcing a delay for 'The Alters'.
Fortnite, one of the most famous games worldwide, offers split-screen multiplayer in its main modes, such as Duos and Squads, ...
One of the best places to look for games in the genre is Xbox Game Pass as there are frequently puzzle games that are added to the platform. In the subscription service, the most prominent puzzle ...