But clever people (not me) have done the math and identified the best start words based on both frequency in English and frequency among Wordle answers. So use them! Secondly, think about ...
Send me an email or let me know in the comments. In a different time zone where it's still Tuesday? Don't worry – I can give you some clues for Wordle #1368, too. Wordle yesterday had vowels ...
Languages: English. Twitter: @JBickertonUK. You can get in touch with James by emailing [email protected] After Wardle decided to release Wordle to the general public in October 2021 it ...
I did eventually see sense, but mostly because there were no other letters left for me to try. No, there is not a double letter in today's puzzle. Playing Wordle well is like achieving a small ...
Send me an email or let me know in the comments. In a different time zone where it's still Thursday? Don't worry – I can give you some clues for Wordle #1370, too. Wordle yesterday had vowels ...
Wordle is released at midnight in your time zone ... puzzle and go to this page to find the corresponding review. Give me a consonant R Give me a vowel E ...
Today's Wordle was just perfect ... Just a great combination of clues, new ideas, and a little worry that eventually led me to the winning word. This could be a seasonal dwelling, a meeting ...