The Standard Former Finance minister Tendai Biti says Zimbabweans must unite to defend the constitution in the wake of a push ...
After a protracted liberation fight spearheaded by numerous political movements and individuals, such as Joshua Nkomo and Robert Mugabe, the nation attained independence on the 18th of April 1980.
Some of the top leaders of various political parties and liberation movements that attended the Lancaster House Conference are Joshua Nkomo, Robert Mugabe, Bishop Muzorewa, Ndabaningi Sithole and Ian ...
Blessed Runesu Geza, a war veteran and former member of the intelligence services, was expelled from Zanu PF recently for ...
Some Americans with ties to Zimbabwe offered solidarity messages to Zimbabweans from all over the US who converged at the Zimbabwe Embassy in Washington, Saturday calling for 93 year old President ...
However, Kandishaya’s remarks have sparked controversy as they seem to diminish the contributions of other key liberation leaders such as Joshua Nkomo, Josiah Tongogara, Ndabaningi Sithole, Robert ...
The popular ZANLA commander, Josiah Tongogara was very enthusiastic about the idea and said openly that Joshua Nkomo should be the first Prime Minister while Robert Mugabe should be Secretary General ...
When Zimbabwe gained its Independence in 1980, over 80 per cent of the Country voted for Zanu PF led by Robert Mugabe. 17 per cent voted for Zapu led by Joshua Nkomo and 3 per cent for the former ...