In the psychological thriller “Heretic” from A24, the typically debonair Hugh Grant turns diabolical, but like a wolf in ...
The gold enriched structure is located on the east limit (up slope side) of the gold-in-soil anomaly which covers an estimated area measuring about 725 metres (north-south) by up to 300 metres ...
Department of Agriculture, conducted two days “Study tour of BSc (Agriculture) students.” to Assam Agricultural University ...
Inspired by Emily Dickinson, the designer continued to push forward her sustainable practices while imbuing her chic, modern ...
Shannon Martinez has built a fan-base by creating big-flavoured dishes that happen to be vegan. The Melbourne-based chef and restaurateur is a proud first-generation Spanish-Australian, but Italian ...
An acid Western film directed by Alejandro Jodorowsky follows an outlaw named El Topo, for the love of a woman defied the ...