Far bigger than any dog that walks the earth today, Epicyon haydeni dominated North America for millions of years before it ...
The prehistoric period is one of the most fascinating and mysterious settings to explore in open-world games. Often blending ...
Giant Beavers the Size of Black Bears Once Roamed North America Vanished Suddenly 10,000 Years Ago, Scientists Know Why Giant ...
NBCU's Toby Gorman and BBC's Michael Gunton on why NBC decided to bring natural history to broadcast TV with 'The Americas.' ...
Fossils on the site, including the area slated for the substation, date back roughly 200 million years to the beginning of ...
A chat with The Saints vocalist Ed Kuepper about their North American tour — and many other wide-ranging topics, like "Did ...
Southern elephant seals are the "canary in the coal mine" for the Southern Ocean, offering insight into how the ecosystem may ...
Research led by Jilin University and Texas A&M University has documented the first known case of cinnabar-stained teeth in ...
La Brea is an American sci-fi drama show that captivates one’s attention by transporting viewers into its thrilling ...
Southern elephant seals are the 'canary in the coal mine' for the Southern Ocean, offering insight into how the ecosystem may react to future climate change and human impact, new research shows.
With the Chicago White Sox setting a record in futility last year — 121 losses in one season — drastic action is being taken ...