The British with them brought the chime of mechanical clocks and the rise of the “ghantaghars”—majestic clock towers that stood like sentinels, their bells marking the pulse of the city. But time has ...
Mumbai: The Bombay High Court has suspended the sentence of Omprakash alias Bacchu Kadu, Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) from Achalpur in Maharashtra, who was convicted for assault on a public ...
Soni Sori, an Adivasi activist from Chhattisgarh, has transformed from a victim of state violence to a powerful chronicler of ...
In an interesting development, the Congress on Friday made an open invitation to NCP chief Ajit Pawar and Shiv Sena president ...
Surely we must have all observed how nature’s movements are different. The gentle sound of the breeze as it caresses the ...
The Bombay High Court on Monday suspended the conviction of ex-MLA Bacchu Kadu, a leader of Prahar Janshakti Party, in connection with the 2017 case for allegedly abusing and attempting to hit the ...