We’ve been thinking about this expansion for 20 years. But the city was still using it for its trucks. But now the city is ...
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation will resume its multi-year rehabilitation project on the Route 59 bridge over Kinzua Creek on the Allegheny Reservoir in Mead Township on March 24. The ...
Lorna Dupre is the leader of the Liberal Democrat and Independent Group on East Cambridgeshire District Council, and sits as ...
St. Clairsville Mayor Kathryn Thalman is asking the residents for their support. Thalman wrote an open letter to residents on ...
His campaign website says, among others priorities, that he wants to dual the county's main A-roads, introduce light rail in Cambridge and deliver a Fens reservoir. Lorna Dupre is a councillor at ...
The suburban reservoirs that supply 10% of New York City’s vaunted drinking water are getting saltier due to decades of road salt being spread near the system — and they will eventually have ...
Re: “Deportations: Judge questions Trump officials over disregarding weekend order,” March 18 news story On Saturday, a federal judge barred President Donald Trump from using a wartime powers ...
to channel treated water from Sungai Dua to the Bukit Dumbar water reservoir and pump station complex. He said that from Bukit Dumbar, the treated water will be pumped primarily to the Barat Daya ...
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — The pothole outside Timothy Taylor’s home was so deep, he could hear the clunk of cars hitting it from inside his house. The Portland, Oregon, resident could sympathize ...