The six-man crew — all Colombians between the ages of 39 and 68 — are the latest to be indicted for using what are often called narco-submarines. The handcrafted vessels are usually not true ...
It is getting painful. Has been long embarrassing. All mouths are mum. Tight as a drum is the tale. Guyana has gone from Sulphur content to purity content. The former is crude oil; the latter is ...
In the U.S., Román-Bardales faces several charges including conspiracy to provide and conceal material support and resources to terrorists, narco-terrorist conspiracy and racketeering conspiracy.
He has been charged with conspiracy to provide and conceal material support and resources to terrorists, narco-terrorism conspiracy, racketeering conspiracy and alien smuggling conspiracy.
Much has been written in editorials and letter columns of local newspapers about noise emanating from others that affects peoples’ health and wellbeing. While the main culprits in these ...
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Their air force is a fleet of off-the-shelf spy drones. Their armor is the “narco-tank,” a plated, gun-mounted truck. In 2024, the open border’s third year, reported that ...
Mr Browne gained a first-hand account of the misery caused by Colombia’s narco terrorist groups during his 41 years on the force. Some 30 brave community leaders and human rights activists have ...
Here, cartel “hawks,” often young children, stand watch at market entrances, while deep inside, traffickers conduct business under the gaze of Jesús Malverde, the so-called “narco saint.” The real ...
The White House on Sunday said TdA operates in conjunction with Cártel de los Soles, a Venezuelan-based, narco-terrorism gang sponsored by the Nicolás Maduro regime. The gang is known for its ...
Román-Bardales has been charged in the US with “conspiracy to provide and conceal material support and resources to terrorists, narco-terrorist conspiracy, racketeering conspiracy and ...