New poll reveals Americans' mixed views on weight-loss drugs for obesity treatment, especially regarding teen use.
Louise Baur receives funding from the National Health & Medical Research Council in the form of competitive research grants on projects related to child and adolescent obesity; these funds are ...
A crude measure of weight relative to height, BMI is commonly used to diagnose obesity—even though many experts and professional groups agree it’s an imperfect tool that on its own reveals ver ...
A group of 58 researchers is calling for a new, better way to measure obesity. The global team’s recommendations were published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology on Jan. 14. Body mass index ...
Jan. 27, 2025 — A study shows that patients with obesity and fatty liver-related cirrhosis who had bariatric (weight-loss) surgery significantly lowered their future risk of developing serious ...
Obesity is linked to many common diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver disease and knee osteoarthritis. Obesity is currently defined using a person's body mass index, or ...
Obesity is currently defined as a BMI of 30 or above in adults. New guidance from a team of health experts around the world proposes expanding the definition of obesity beyond the popular body ...
A group of global experts is proposing a new way to define and diagnose obesity, reducing the emphasis on the controversial body mass index and hoping to better identify people who need treatment ...
By Gina Kolata Obesity should be assessed in a way that goes beyond the standard measure of body mass index, or B.M.I., according to a new definition of the condition released by an international ...
The body mass index is not going away, a new report suggests, but it could be demoted to just a first step in making a more nuanced diagnosis of obesity as a disease, one that distinguishes ...
Obesity needs a new definition, argues a global group of health experts. For over 75 years, obesity has been called a disease by the World Health Organization. But the label is hotly debated.