Post hoc data from TAILORx show that adding an anthracycline to taxane-based chemotherapy benefits patients with HR-positive ...
Patients with intermediate-risk breast cancer had similar rates of 10-year overall survival whether or not they underwent ...
Patients with intermediate-risk breast cancer had similar rates of 10-year overall survival whether or not they underwent chest wall irradiation (CWI) after mastectomy, according to results from the ...
For the first time, scientists have observed a collection of particles, also known as a quasiparticle, that's massless when moving one direction but has mass in the other direction. The quasiparticle, ...
Patients with early-stage, node-negative, hormone receptor (HR)-positive, HER2- negative breast cancer who have a high risk ...
The results, reported at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS), added to the history of mixed messages from trials ...
150% increase recorded this year in internal hackathons at institute level, making this the largest edition so far ...