The board of Italy's top insurer Generali has approved a memorandum of understanding (MoU) that paves the way for an asset ...
PRESS RELEASE BPCE and Generali to Create the Largest Asset Manager in Europe by revenues and a Major Player Worldwide Milan ...
The combined entity will have equal ownership, with each party holding 50% and sharing governance and control.
Natixis Investment Managers is set to merge with the asset management arm of Italian insurer Generali, creating the largest ...
MILAN (Reuters) - Les conseils d'administration de l'assureur italien Generali et du groupe bancaire français BPCE devraient donner lundi leur feu vert à un ...
BPCE (via Natixis IM) et GIH détiendraient chacun 50% des activités combinées avec une gouvernance et un contrôle ...
Le conseil d'administration du premier assureur italien Generali a approuvé un protocole d'accord qui ouvre la voie à un ...
With €1.9tn in AUM, the joint venture would allow the pair to expand globally and speed up a push into private markets.
BPCE et Generali Investments Holding ont annoncé un accord pour créer une entité commune, appelée à devenir "un leader ...
French banking group BPCE and Italian insurance giant Generali have agreed to merge their asset management units, forming a ...