MILAN (Reuters) - Le comité d'investissement de Generali a donné son feu vert au rapprochement prévu par l'assureur italien ...
The shifting consumer mindset has quickly trickled down to the luxury and fashion sector, where consumers are seeking value assurance over ... picking up logo wool scarves with prices starting ...
c’est l’ambition que se donnent le français Natixis IM et le numéro un de l’assurance en Italie Generali, qui ont annoncé mardi la signature d’un protocole d’accord. Cours de langue, ...
Le conseil d'administration du premier assureur italien, Generali, a approuvé lundi un protocole d'accord avec le groupe bancaire français BPCE, maison mère de Natixis Investment Managers ...
L’assurtech séduit les néobanques avec des contrats innovants, mieux adaptés aux préoccupations des clients finaux mais aussi moins chers que les classiques de Visa et Mastercard. Alors que ...
BPCE et Generali Investments Holding, maisons mères des deux filiales, «détiendraient chacun 50% des activités» de la nouvelle entité «avec une gouvernance et un contrôle équilibré ...
With a total of US$2 trillion in assets, the Generali-Natixis merger would rank second in Europe, just behind Amundi, a subsidiary of the French group Credit Agricole. (EPA Images pic) Italy’s ...
This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. Distribution and use of this material are governed by our Subscriber Agreement and by copyright law. For non-personal use or to order ...
Italy's Generali and the owner of France's Natixis Investment Managers agreed to jointly create a European asset manager overlooking 1.9 trillion euros ($1.979 trillion). The Italian insurer and ...
Italy's Generali and the owner of France's Natixis Investment Managers agreed to jointly create a European asset manager overlooking 1.9 trillion euros ($1.979 trillion). The Italian insurer and ...
Roula Khalaf, Editor of the FT, selects her favourite stories in this weekly newsletter. The owner of France’s Natixis Investment Managers and Italian insurer Generali are close to announcing an ...
MILAN, Jan 15 (Reuters) - Italy's top insurer Generali (GASI.MI), opens new tab aims to reach a preliminary accord with Natixis Investment Managers to combine their asset management operations in ...