India's space ambitions soared higher with a new achievement. Former ISRO scientist Nambi Narayanan praised the successful satellite docking. He described the milestone as a crucial step for ...
Former ISRO Scientist Nambi Narayanan on Thursday expressed happiness over the successful docking of two satellites as part of the Space Docking Experiment (SpaDeX) project. He said that docking ...
For the first time in his young life, Abdul Kalam left his native south and boarded a train to travel the long distance of over 2000 km. Excerpted with permission from The Incredible Life of APJ ...
Tamils have played a significant role in Indian space research, from Abdul Kalam to Chandrayaan 3's project director, Veeramuthuvel. Now, V. Narayanan has been appointed as the new chairman of ISRO.