COMMENT | Education is so important whether it is formal or informal. I have always believed that because it was also what I was taught as a child by my parents. They sent me to school and tried ...
Col. Lester Mark Baky, who held the post for 18 months. The MBLT-5 is under the 1st Marine Brigade based in Camp Iranun in Barangay Tugaig in Barira, Maguindanao del Norte. Marine units in ...
The kids here are from the ethnic groups Sama-Bajau and Tausug. And despite speaking different languages, or some still learning how to read, they understand the story of the books they hold.
Owls are a recurring motif throughout the franchise, particularly in the first two seasons. At first, their presence is used only to help establish the setting – a small mountain town in the ...
JAYAPURA, - Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) Republik Indonesia menolak gugatan yang diajukan pasangan calon (paslon) bupati dan wakil bupati nomor urut 2, Maximus Tipagau dan Peggi Patrisia ...
ILUSTRASI Bunuh Motif Asuransi. Seorang istri di Medan diduga membunuh suami dengan motif asuransi. Sebelum pembunuhan terjadi, sang suami diasuransikan Rp 500 jt.-Maulana Pamuji Gusti-Harian Disway- ...
Representatives from Studio Motif will respond to you via e-mail. By sending this message you agree to the T&C.
Bandung (ANTARA) - Di tengah dinamika ekonomi yang mempengaruhi daya beli kelas menengah di Indonesia, pabrikan sepeda motor Yamaha tetap menunjukkan optimisme yang kuat terhadap konsumen sepeda motor ...
Ragam hias disebut juga ornamen ini punya fungsi, jenis, dan teknik tertentu. Secara umum, motif ragam hias terbentuk karena adanya naluri atau insting manusia untuk menghias. Faktor lain yang ...
This month's cover highlights the article Nup358 restricts ER-mitochondria connectivity by modulating mTORC2/Akt/GSK3β signalling by Joseph, Misha Kalarikkal and colleagues. The image shows a human ...
KatadataOTO – BYD M6 masih menjadi mobil listrik terlaris di Indonesia pada Januari 2025. Berdasarkan data Gaikindo, wholesales dari model tersebut mencatatkan angka penjualan sebesar 581 unit.