Directed by Magizh Thirumeni, the highly-anticipated Tamil film, produced by Lyca Productions, was set to release on Pongal this year. ‘Vidaa Muyarchi’ was suggested by Ajith Kumar ...
Here is a look at five promises made by Ajith's film with Magizh Thirumeni. Ajith Kumar shines in high-octane action sequences that showcase his impeccable timing and dedication to physically ...
Directed by Magizh Thirumeni and featuring stars like Arjun, Trisha, Regina, and Aarav, the trailer has already been well-received. In an interview with director Magizh Thirumeni, he shared ...
The sneak peek of the Magizh Thirumeni film reveals a tale of struggle, resilience, and a personal journey of overcoming adversities. Adding to the intrigue, the trailer also weaves in a ...
Director Magizh Thirumeni shares his experiences working with Vijay and Udhayanidhi Stalin, revealing three story narrations for Vijay and the resulting collaboration on an upcoming film.
Ideally, 2025 should have started with Ajith Kumar-Magizh Thirumeni’s Vidaamuyarchi hitting the screens for Pongal. The film’s teaser said so. Lyca Productions, the producers of this film, said so.
Vidaamuyarchi Trailer Now Out: Ajith's upcoming exciting racy action drama written and directed by Magizh Thirumeni is titled Vidaamuyarchi. The movie which is one of the prestigious films in ...
Although the production house did not specify which development, in particular, had prompted them to push their film's release to a later date, speculation was rife that the decision of the makers of ...
Directed by Magizh Thirumeni, the film is set to be a thrilling action spectacle, with music by Anirudh. Listen to Story The trailer for Vidaamuyarchi was released on January 16 The film features ...