B efore 2025 was named the year of the health drink, before matcha lattes became a status symbol and before anyone was talking about their gut microbiome in polite company, there was kombucha. A ...
The star of the show is a slimy disc of living bacteria called the SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast), also called a “mushroom ... for a long time. “Kombucha actually dates ...
GUT health is big news, with research linking digestive wellness with overall health. A balanced diet of fibre, fruit and veg ...
It ferments for about a week or more until it grows a mushroom-type texture on top. The mushroom gets filtered out to make ...
GT's Living Foods (GTLF), has led a movement?one rooted in the belief that real, living foods have the power to nourish, heal, and transform lives. Now, as the brand celebrates 30 years, it is taking ...
During the warmer months, Cabayé goes foraging for herbs like wild sorrel, duranta and salad burnet. The milk and cream comes ...
Coffee can cause symptoms like anxiety and jitteriness. Fortunately, you can enjoy other caffeinated and non-caffeinated ...
Harvest House Tavern, 352 Hempstead Ave., Malverne, 516-400-9000, harvesthousetavern.com. Open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday ...