This is by making all of their existing IPs such as the Polis Evo franchise, the Projek High Council franchise and the upcoming Keluang Man franchise interconnected in some ways through series and ...
Here's a fun exhibition for the whole family. Who hasn’t grown up with beloved TV cartoons like Hikayat Sang Kancil, Usop Sontorian, Keluang Man, Kampung Boy, or Didi & Friends? These iconic ...
Ilustrasi :Warga Kecamatan Keluang, Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin (Muba), Sumatera Selatan, digemparkan dengan penemuan mayat seorang laki-laki yang tergantung di pohon kelapa sawit pada Senin (13/1/2025).
A knife-wielding man who was covered in blood when confronted by brave officers has been jailed for life for a frenzied attack on two women. Tito Eleto, 30 (30.11.94) of Radipole Road, SW6 previously ...
After months of silence, we finally know that the Chainsaw Man movie is officially releasing in 2025. That's right, instead of a second season (for now, anyway), Denji's story continues in a ...
This is by making all of their existing IPs such as the Polis Evo franchise, the Projek High Council franchise and the upcoming Keluang Man franchise interconnected in some ways through series and ...
Here's a fun exhibition for the whole family. Who hasn’t grown up with beloved TV cartoons like Hikayat Sang Kancil, Usop Sontorian, Keluang Man, Kampung Boy, or Didi & Friends? These iconic ...
SEKAYU, PALPRES.COM- Pemilik ilegal Refinery yang terbakar di Desa Dawas, Kecamatan Keluang pada Kamis 2 Januari 2025 lalu berhasil diamankan Polsek Keluang. Tersangka berinisial TZ berhasil diamankan ...
"Nah dari hasil penyelidikan ditemukan jika korban ini merupakan asli Lubuk Linggau, namun ikut KK ayuknya di Sukarami dan tinggal sementara di SP 5 Kecamatan Keluang," jelasnya. Kasatreskrim ...
HARIANMUBA.COM,- - Polsek Keluang bersama Tim Unit Pidum Polres Musi Banyuasin berhasil menangkap terduga Pelaku Pembunuhan yang terjadi di Kebun Kelapa Sawit PT Hindoli, Desa Kecamatan Keluang, ...