ZZ plants, which are native to Eastern Africa, are the easiest houseplant to own. Here is your guide to water, prune, and ...
If you are planting outdoors, you should focus on bare-root roses and any forced flower bulbs such as hyacinths and daffodils ...
Veena Rathi knows the trick to good AQI and she’s here to share it with you. With plants dating back to 1980, here’s how she ...
Beat the heat or rain with these fun indoor activities in Singapore, from mesmerizing indoor waterfalls to immersive museums ...
Keep the room temperatures no cooler than about 15 C or the plant will go dormant. Ficus can be susceptible to spider mite — ...
March is a great month to give your indoor plants a refresh now light levels are increasing and they are coming back into ...
Houseplants are a joyous addition to any home. No matter what style your home is, there's bound to be a piece of greenery ...
The Upper Peninsula was clobbered with snow this week, so the thought of planting a garden may be the furthest thing from ...
Lilies are prized for their fragrant blooms and beautiful, trumpet-shaped flowers, which bring plenty of colour to gardens ...
For the best chance of success, start the seeds in a fresh, sterile seed-starting mix that is light and fluffy to hold just enough moisture. It is important to use a soil-less mix to start seeds. You ...
Each winter, gardeners bid farewell to their outdoor growing spaces and turn their attention to other ways to occupy their ...