In an intriguing development, new research suggests that humans need not rely solely on food for nutrition, as they also absorb certain essential nutrients through the air they breathe. The nutrients, ...
She completed her Bachelor's in Nutrition & Dietetics at NYU ... calls zinc an "essential micronutrient for human health in general, and particularly for the elderly." The authors say zinc plays ...
We often overlook bone health, but our bones are the backbone of our body—literally! They play a crucial role in our mobility ...
When humans sowed the first crop seeds at the dawn of the Neolithic Period, the soil provided plant-essential nutrients and served as the foundation for human agriculture. Throughout Earth's ...
The latest celebrity supplement craze is not backed up by scientific evidence, according to nutrition scientist Professor Tim Spector.
World Soil Day is an international event dedicated to raising awareness about the critical importance of healthy soils for ...
But sometimes, a multivitamin or a nutrient ... human studies are needed. A 2023 study highlighted Viviscal’s benefits, showing it can increase the activity of dermal papilla cells, which are ...
The peak body for the United States cattle industry, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), has reiterated the ...