If the sequel system is stronger than the original Switch, some recent gems could make their way to the console ...
So, at Harvest Moon Aquaponics koi are the fish of choice and they as they eat, go about their lives, they eventually excrete ...
Beyond the confirmed Switch 2 games above, it’s possible that Nintendo will release its slate of upcoming Nintendo Switch ...
Mario Kart 8 actually originates from the Wii U era, but the game was ... It's kind of like playing a Harvest Moon or Story of Seasons game but with much more to do and an adorable retro art ...
Nintendo Switch Online offers players a trip down memory lane with must-play classics like Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong, and Fire Emblem.
The Wii U seemingly came and went with not a lot of attention being paid to it, but it ultimately served as a testing ground for the Switch which took off like a soaring eagle. The system did have ...
With success comes support, and the Switch has consistently seen far more support from other companies than the Wii U ever saw after its launch. The Switch’s digital eShop is full of games that ...
Doraemon brings a bit of Japanese culture to the genre that even other games developed in Japan like the Harvest Moon series abandon for more Western-feeling versions of rural life. Doraemon will ...
Microsoft’s Game Pass subscription service is having another great year in 2024, with over 450 games now available for console players and over 400 for PC players. With the sheer size and the ...
Now, let’s talk about a pet peeve I’ve been having lately, and that is how it seems that the charming 2D portraits that were common in past Harvest Moon games have all simply vanished. I get that ...
Once little more than an enigma, Harvest Moon 64 is one of the primary reasons the cozy genre of video games has reached the state of popularity it maintains today. When it was released ...