“Harry Potter: Wizards of Baking” is produced by Warner Horizon, with Bridgette Theriault and Dan Sacks leading production ...
Every Harry Potter fan has imagined being at Hogwarts, but there are plenty of pros and cons about living in the Wizarding ...
As Warner Bros. Television readies HBO’s Harry Potter TV series for a summer production start in the U.K., Warner Horizon is satiating fan appetites with a second season of Harry Potter: Wizards of ...
Tickets Will Be Sold Through AISDVPA Box OfficeWitches, wizards, and muggles, throw on your robes and hop aboard the Hogwarts ...
The changes to a few details at the end of the last Harry Potter book take away from the gravity of Harry's victory.
Showtime announced Tuesday that Uma Thurman is a series regular in "Dexter: Resurrection," now in production and premiering ...
People often say that books are always better than movies when they’re adapted, but that’s not always true. The Harry Potter ...
The most awaited reboot of Harry Potter, HBO's Original series, is set to go on floors by next summer at Leavesden, according to reports.
The first instance of Trelawney's warning coming to fruition can be traced to a gathering in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of ...
As Father Ted celebrates 30 years on its airwaves, Express.co.uk has taken a look at some of the stars who had cameo roles in ...