If you're worried about identity theft or credit card fraud and aren't planning on applying for a new credit card or loan, freezing your credit is an easy way to protect yourself. "Unfortunately ...
Small mistakes are a lot more common than you think, and they can do some serious damage to your credit score. Here's how to ...
On January 30, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB or Bureau) released its updated list of consumer reporting companies for 2025. The ...
As more school districts in America and Canada reveal the impact of an information systems breach, some past staff and ...
He continued, “Children are at a higher risk - they're 51 times more likely to become a victim of identity theft and 25% of ...
In this informative episode of PennyWise, host Nat Cardona sits down with Chip Lupo, a credit card writer for WalletHub, to ...
If your child has a credit report and you haven’t taken any steps to give them a financial history, they might be a victim of identity theft. You should immediately freeze their credit ...
The alert will be automatically added to all three credit reports. A credit freeze, also known as a security freeze, prevents certain third parties, like lenders and creditors, from accessing your ...
Maintaining a good credit is crucial, so learn how to protect your credit score and identity through the strategic use of ...