The Department of Natural Resources is postponing the elk research project in northwest Minnesota because of scheduling delays and unfavorable conditions to safely and successfully capture and collar ...
Animals in any environment have many essentials for survival. Two are obvious: food and water. Many don’t consider other essentials that are very much like the needs humans have. Those include cover ...
As a single herd, the bison utilized two different pastures in the Trexler Nature Preserve throughout the year. During the ...
A plan to reintroduce elk in Carlton County by the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa and the Minnesota Department of Resources was met with both concern and excitement during a presentation ...
The annual buffalo harvest is underway just outside Yellowstone National Park. The controversial program delivers organic ...
A three-year assessment of elk in Washington’s Blue Mountains produced unclear results, leaving wildlife managers ...
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is teaming up with the University of Minnesota for a new study on the elk populations in Northwestern Minnesota.
This is the time of year when Jeff Yost didn’t envy the wildlife officers working in the Denver metro area. Yost worked as a ...
Removing 12 to 20 of those animals for relocation ... du Lac Band first proposed moving elk to northeastern Minnesota as a way to return them to native habitat. Feasibility studies were undertaken ...
Animal rights groups push for bill to ban big-cat hunting and trapping in Colorado, but the bill fails to pass the House ...
an elk coordinator with the Minnesota DNR said elk are a sturdy and resiliant animal. “They can survive in pretty much any habitat that you put them in,” La Sharr said. “So we have really ...