The gyaru subculture originated in Shibuya, Tokyo in the 1990s as a reaction to the "good girl" standards expected of Japanese women at the time. Gyaru are known for being: Cheerful, Loud, Strong, ...
Here’s a magical deal for Harry Potter fans: Dobby the House-Elf Lego set is now $28, down from $35, giving you a 20% ...
The Peterborough 6th-grader said her public school started so early that it negatively impacted her life. Mornings were ...
Every day, you put on socks and forget about them — if they’re good. If they’re bad, you can’t help thinking about them. There are so many ways socks can go wrong: when they don’t hug ...
Snow socks are a useful, cheaper alternative to winter tyres. Here we explain how snow socks work and when you can – and can't – use them Michael PassinghamSenior researcher & writer Snow socks are ...
And when an elf adventurer decides to take him in, she may need his help as much as he needs hers. So, let's address the elephant in the room: yes, it does appear that Aria, the busty elf ...
"At the Kings game and this guy is a TREASURE," wrote Dan Woike of the LA Times. Elf, which was released in 2003, stars Ferrell as a human who was raised with Santa's elves, and as an adult leaves ...
Buddy the Elf is back…although not like anyone could imagine. Will Ferrell unexpectedly dressed up as his iconic character from Jon Favreau’s 2003 Christmas comedy “Elf” while attending ...
The 'Elf' star showed hockey fans grumpy Buddy at Sunday's game. By James Hibberd Writer-at-Large Ferrell attended Sunday’s L.A. Kings-Philadelphia Flyers game at Los Angeles’ Arena.