Tulloch — who had been charged with wounding with intent and buggery — pleaded guilty to two counts of wounding with intent before the St Catherine Parish Court and not guilty to buggery after an ...
Anatomic reconstructions are indicated when the periosteum and tendon sheath strip off the distal ulna and the tendon subluxes within an expanded subsheath. The subsheath is reattachment on the ulnar ...
Pain in your arms is a common symptom with many different causes, from arthritis and overuse injuries like tendonitis to a heart attack.
but one of the most serious distal biceps ruptures can happen to anyone. This injury affects the tendon that connects the biceps muscle to the forearm bone, and while it’s not extremely common, it can ...
Methods: We present a 35-year old tennis player suffering tremendous pain (visual analogue scale (VAS) rating of 9/10) at the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon with adjacent calcification in close proximity ...
Italy: A recent systematic review and meta-analysis explored the correlation between bone mineral density (BMD) measured at the forearm and at the lumbar spine or femoral neck, highlighting the ...
Emergency digital radiographs (DR) showed fractures of the distal radius and the ulnar styloid process in the left wrist ... due to reduced bony support at the fracture site following bone resorption ...
This triceps tendon attaches to the olecranon process, the pointy projection at the end of the ulna bone of the forearm that forms the ... Demirhan M, Ersen A. Distal triceps ruptures. EFORT Open Rev.
A Colles fracture, also known as a distal radial fracture, occurs at the end of a forearm bone known as the radius. The radius is the larger of the two bones of the forearm situated on the inside of ...
Discovered in Portugal in 1998, the individual dubbed the “Lapedo Child” has long perplexed scientists, thanks to a curious ...