A group of state lawmakers introduced new legislation to ensure Georgia Power residential customers aren’t on the hook for the cost of data center operations.
Hundreds of thousands of Greater Goods kitchen scales have been recalled for safety concerns. If you have one, here's everything you need to know.
As Democrats reel from defeat, Senator Elizabeth Warren, the Massachusetts progressive, preaches focus and accountability.
On January 13, the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) published a new proposed rule attempting to ban certain contractual provisions in ...
Tariffs make foreign goods pricier to protect local industries, but aggressive policies can have negative effects.
Journalists, including some at CBS News, are expressing alarm at reports that CBS parent company Paramount Global is trying ...
The order to "unleash" American energy is creating uncertainty for the country's energy markets and consumers.
An important facet of AI regulation is where in the supply chain AI should be regulated—specifically, whether to regulate the developers (builder) or deployers (user) of AI.
A bill brought by the South Dakota Auto Body Association aimed at curbing repairer insurance fraud was unanimously passed out ...
California lawmakers propose legislation that could allow vicims of the devastating Southern California wildfires to sue oil and gas companies.
The CFPB reports that US servicemembers pay more for auto loans than civilians, highlighting larger loans, smaller down ...
The Electronic Funds Transfer Act protects consumers from liability for unauthorized transfers from their accounts.