On July 18, 1863, one of the first all-Black army regiments to serve in the Civil War stormed Fort Wagner in South Carolina. The fierce assault against the Confederate Army—portrayed in the film Glory ...
Matthew Broderick gets top billing as the real-life Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, but Glory is one of the few high-profile war films to tell the story of black soldiers, crediting the 200,000 ...
Just weeks before Charleston fell 160 years ago today, Congress passed the Thirteenth Amendment, abolishing slavery. And now, in the very city that had championed the cause of bondage, formerly ...
Bombay High Court upheld a five-year imprisonment for a dismissed Lt Col under the Pocso Act for sexually assaulting an 11-year-old girl. The court dismissed his appeal, emphasizing the ...
FIDE Master (FM) Jaden Shaw and Amy Stephenson retained their National Junior Absolute and Female Chess Championships, respectively, after the completion of the nine-round tournament. In the ...
In the 19th century, the forced bondage and inhumane treatment of Black Americans fiercely divided the United States, North and South. Across the country, passions were ablaze, prompting the deadliest ...
COL CLAUSEN: I could probably loosely categorise the responses into three groups: those that are just full of support, really happy to see us happy again. And then there's probably those that are ...
Indiana State Police Superintendent Anthony Scott announced Monday the promotion of Captain Robert W. Priest to the rank of lieutenant colonel to serve as the Deputy Superintendent of the ...
REXBURG — BYU-Idaho Center Stage is pleased to announce Mat & Savanna Shaw, the Utah father-daughter singing duo that sprang to overnight fame in 2020, will perform at BYU-Idaho on Friday ...