“I tried the viral Target bookshelf closet hack,” one of the creators behind Pretty Providence Blog ( @prettyprovidenceblog) said in a recent video. “After I assembled the bookshelves, I put them in ...
With very limited closet space and a general lack of hooks in my bathroom and bedroom, I've struggled with finding a way to hang up all my coats, scarves, and bags, as well as my towels, bathrobe, and ...
Approximately 38% of Americans use self-storage — but chances are, an even higher percentage could actually benefit from having additional storage space. Not sure if you could actually use a storage ...
The new year can be a time to clean out overflowing wardrobes, but it also highlights the struggle to rehome unwanted items.
How I created a functional, stylish and affordable walk-in closet using Ikea’s customizable AURDAL system — without breaking ...
My family and I have lived in our new house for two and a half years now, but there are still spaces that have sat mostly ...
My bedroom closet was nowhere near big enough to hold all my clothes - especially living in New England, where the seasons ...
Smart storage solutions and innovative features are transforming wardrobes into highly functional and stylish spaces. Here’s ...
In just a few steps, those empty cardboard food boxes you've been meaning to recycle can become the solution to your closet's ...
Skiing equipment can take up a lot of space, but it doesn't have to. With this DIY garage storage solution, your gear will be ...
Who says you have to have a big home to be comfortable? Small spaces can be just as organized and relaxing as large homes; ...