As part of the upcoming 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence known as the Semiquincentennial to be celebrated on July 4, 2026, the library local history department has ...
DECATUR, GA — Owners of the 35 acre Washington Memorial Gardens in the Decatur/Scottsdale area want it re-zoned so they can ...
DeKalb County residents living near a cemetery are upset over a proposed crematorium on the property. Joyce Kinnard said she ...
The owners of the Washington Memorial Gardens cemetery in Greater Decatur are asking for a rezoning to allow a crematorium on ...
The Waynesboro City Council discussed debris pickup, HB581 and voted to accept several properties that were donated to the city at the city council meeting Mon7. Burke County initially took ...
The 46 th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Awards Banquet was held recently in Athens where community service awards were made ...