Voters wanting to protect Nebraska's "Blue Dot" packed a legislative hearing Wednesday to oppose two measures that would ...
Dozens of proponents and opponents of the two winner-take-all bills testified before the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs committee on Thursday.
Nebraskans came out in big numbers Thursday to criticize — but mostly to defend — the state’s unusual system of awarding Electoral College votes for president by congressional ...
Nebraskans filled the halls of the state Capitol Thursday afternoon, most of them there to oppose two proposals to restore a winner-take-all model for the state's future presidential elections.
My task is to provide a liberal viewpoint in a red-majority area of a blue- majority state ... My mom was an Irish Texan lass, active in politics, and JFK’s fiercest advocate. Her heart was broken.
Jane Kleeb, chair of the Nebraska Democratic Party, has been elected by her national Democratic Party cohorts as president of the Association of State Democratic Committees, essentially making ...