The sale price of this unit at 106B Bidadari Park Drive is S$ 1,200,000. What is the current PSF at 106B Bidadari Park Drive? Current PSF at 106B Bidadari Park Drive is about S$ 1,185.77 psf. What is ...
At Bidadari Park’s playground, for instance, your kids can make their way up a 5m-tall “tree house”. And Pek Kio Park and Tampines Boulevard Park feature nature-inspired play gardens with ...
Vibrant colors exploded over Discovery Meadow Park. Holi Fest is an Indian festival that welcomes spring and celebrates new ...
URA’s transformative Bidadari Estate Master Plan ~ Located within one of Singapore’s first car-lite towns, boasting 1.6km of cycling trails and pedestrian paths as well as a 1.8km park connector.
For primary schools within 1km, you have: One of Skyline II’s key advantages is its seamless integration with the park connector, which is part of the Western Adventure Loop. This makes it a great ...