Pope Francis, who said Americans should vote for the “lesser of two evils,” used a phrase that isn't always fully understood.
Pope Francis is known to believers and to non-believers alike as a man who is willing to speak his mind on issues regarding ...
In a small community outside Fargo, North Dakota, hardly any of the people Wanning Sun met were fans of Donald Trump. Many ...
The election of 2024 bears striking resemblance to the election of 1972. Both elections gave voters ethical dilemmas because ...
The relationship between the church and state is a source of tension in this year’s election like it is in almost every ...
Some Christian conservatives are depressed about Trump’s abortion and gay-rights heresies. But others could not be more ...
September 16 also marks two years since the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini after she was taken into custody by Iran’s ...