We all lose our cursors on our Macs from time to time. While there are solutions to speed up your search, this new menu bar ...
Check out the tense Eyes Never Wake trailer for the upcoming horror game where the monster watches you through your webcam.
Ultra longtime Mac users may recall a fun Classic Mac OS application that placed a set of googly eyes into the Mac menu bar, ...
Sneaker enthusiasts worldwide can rejoice as detailed close up shots of the beloved “Pink Foam” colourway have finally ...
On a mission to bridge the gap between the chaos of the day and truly restorative sleep, Kip has made its debut by unveiling a clever new product – the Disconnect Tag. It's a simple yet powerful tool ...
If your child has their own Android device, you no longer need to worry about loaning them your credit card or keeping cash ...
The new Mercedes-Benz CLA is the company’s first car to be fitted with a multi-source heat pump as standard, which uses waste ...
Eye tracking with low latency and gentle on the battery AdHawk was founded in 2017 and has already developed glasses called MindLink. They allow you to track exactly where your gaze is going.
Apple follows macOS 15.4 beta testing with its third build for developers. Here's everything you need to know about it.
The days of holding a mini-Maglite in your mouth and shining it down on a paper sectional are gone thanks to the iPad's ...
Queer Eye for the Skinny Guy ... and accompanied by the MyFitnessPal logo, seemingly implying that the reality personality has been using the app to track his progress. Van Ness took to ...
Spring cleaning is therapeutic and stops costly problems from building up around the home. Why not tackle the dusty corners ...