The retailer's store replica quickly went viral, but fashionistas told Newsweek that dupes are a potential threat to business.
While authentic Birkin bags are estimated to range from $9,000 - $500,000, the "Walmart Birkin" is less than $100.
Kyler Murray put his $46.1 million salary to good use over the holidays, participating in the growing Christmas tradition of ...
Hermès Birkin handbag lookalikes are selling out on Walmart's website after having a viral moment on TikTok ...
An authentic bag should have a tag made of the exact leather ... even when it comes to other high-end bag brands. Sometimes I ...
Murray gifted each of them messenger bags emblazoned with their number from Maison Goyard, a French fashion brand. The bags are ... He bought them each authentic Japanese Katana swords.
The leather bag, called the "Wirkin," is a budget-friendly alternative to the Hermès Birkin, which start at around $10,000.
An expert recently explained that the viral Walmart Birkin social media storm could potentially push Hermes to pursue legal ...
When tasked with trying a bunch of plain rice back to back to back, you can imagine that the first thing that went through my ...
Walmart's 'Wirkin' bag, a dupe of the Hermès super-luxe and exclusive Birkin bag, is causing a stir online as influencers and ...