With the correct systems, technology can improve animal welfare, food quality and productivity. They are excellent aids to ease management, but an experienced farmer still has to be behind the scenes ...
On July 29, 2023, Magnus White was riding his bike along the shoulder of Colo. 119 just south of 63rd Street. Shortly after noon, a vehicle traveling along the same road crossed from the right ...
According to Bob Broderdorf, senior vice president and head of Jeep North America, "enthusiastic requests" from the public led Jeep to reintroduce the optional eight-speed automatic transmission ...
That's because Jeep initially decided to stop offering V-6 models with an automatic, however, public outcry caused the brand to reverse course and reintroduce the optional eight-speed auto.
Ottawa is ready to speed up on its automatic tax filing initiative it ... acting on a Budget 2023 promise to create an automated system. SimpleFile by Phone allows an invited user to answer ...
It reported that more than 10,000 chemical additives have found their way into the U.S. food supply, including both direct additives (aka those colors and flavor enhancers) and substances that can ...
Nations must start testing and regulating chemicals and chemical products as closely as the current systems that safeguard prescription drugs or risk rising rates of chronic illnesses among ...
The EPA proposed stricter guidelines on decaBDE in 2023, Earthjustice’s O’Brien said, but did not close loopholes such as recycling that allows the chemical to continue to spread in both the ...