In an interview with ZN, Timothy Snyder told how he is rethinking global history with the help of the Ukrainian History: ...
The High Council of Justice has resumed its work on reviewing disciplinary cases after a two-year pause: which judges were ...
Dariia Kaleniuk, Alyona Getmanchuk and Mariia Berlinska explain how chaos in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is gradually ...
Why US sanctions against Gazprombank are important and whether Europe will be able to say goodbye to gas corruption ...
Author Borys Grynyov Director of the Institute for Scintillation Materials, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, ...
Ukraine is changing the management of Naftogaz amid the energy crisis. How will the country be supplied with gas during the ...
On the one hand, the Ukrainian government raises taxes, and on the other hand, it literally gives away money: what's going on ...
How Ukraine should interact with Trump to make him its ally: an analysis of the foreign policy thinking of the newly elected ...
Сирія, ймовірно, не зможе стати опорою для глобального конфлікту Росії з Заходом, адже федерація, навіть зберігши там бази, ...
Сирия, по всей вероятности, не сможет стать опорой для глобального конфликта России с Западом, ведь федерация, даже сохранив ...
Прискорений вступ України до ЄС не лише можливий, він необхідний: які перспективи швидкої інтеграції Києва до Євросоюзу ...
Ускоренное вступление Украины в ЕС не только возможно, оно необходимо: каковы перспективы быстрой интеграции Киева в Евросоюз ...