“I see ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ as a fascinating historical moment. It’s the true story of an unassuming comic strip character who crossed over into television and managed to voice hefty, ...
“Ironically, the intellectual heft of historic Catholicism and its enviable aesthetic achievements seem to be the very things that the pope regards with indifference. And both of these seem to connect ...
“There’s intense debate over practicalities in Trump’s plan regarding the money required and whether Congress will appropriate it, how to track down persons living here illegally…. Beyond calculations ...
Voice recorder (a dedicated handheld for a long time, then eventually a phone app). Great for all the stuff that hits me while driving or walking, or even showering. (The majority of my ideas hit me ...
A Selection from Addresses Delivered to the Students of The Pastors’ College, Metropolitan Tabernacle. First Series, Lecture ...
The words God lists here are just 3 of many Hebrew words for sin. Each of these tells us a little more about the problem.
On page 82 Perkins asserts that “The garden narrative about Adam’s covenant revolves around the two trees.” CT’s believe that ...
“A lack of pastoral care is more likely to lead to a lack of spiritual health, which in turn hinders the work of the commission…. So what do we do if the status quo is chewing missionaries up rather ...
“If one rejects the inspiration of scripture, but still wants to claim to be a Christian, now you’re left with an epistemological dilemma. How can you possibly know what parts of the Bible are ...
Angels, though far superior to us in wisdom and power, are created beings, limited in strength. Angels depend upon the LORD ...
“Not all colonies had a state religion. Thanks to Roger Williams and his dissenters, Rhode Island never did. Another point is to examine what happened after the colonies gained independence. By 1800, ...
“So if I’m committed to expositional preaching, how do I address those important but occasional questions that arise? Are expository preachers allowed to preach topical sermons?” - TGC Whoever ...