A pound of tomatoes sells for 400 pesos (around 10% of an average monthly salary) while last January it cost 100.
Prime Minister Marrero's speech oscillated between propaganda, acknowledgment of unmet objectives set for 2024, and promises ...
Highs will be between 24 and 27ºC (75 and 81ºF), while lows from 17 to 21ºC (63 to 70ºF). Sea surface temperatures will be ...
Confidencial and its Editorial Board selected the 496+ citizens whom the dictatorship officially or secretly declared as persona non grata.
The contamination of the Belico and Cubanicay rivers, which border the center of Villa Clara, has a long history.
Depriving political opponents & human rights defenders of citizenship or nationality shows the collaboration between the ...
Hundreds of foreigners visit Cuba each year looking for the communist paradise that propaganda sells worldwide.
There are several types of darkness in Havana. There's the one sought voluntarily, for a romantic moment, and the other, the ...
It is a humbling experience to observe the Cuban people innovating, and being creative to find solutions for their difficult ...