Across North America, deer and elk are increasingly suffering from a devastating illness. They stumble, drool, and appear visibly emaciated. They lose their fear of humans, staring blankly as if their ...
A farmed white-tail deer from Osceola County was found with CWD.. The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural ...
Chronic wasting disease (CWD) testing after a recent reduction of the white-tailed deer herd at Manassas National Battlefield Park has revealed a case in the Prince William County, Virginia, part of ...
Ohio hunters have discovered 24 white-tailed deer infected with Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), also known as 'zombie disease' ...
Onslaught of infections suggests that feeding operations are exacerbating the spread of a deadly prion disease that’s making ...
The Zombie Deer Disease gets its eerie nickname from the way it affects infected animals, causing them to exhibit zombie-like ...
New detection at the Horse Creek Feedground, which has already struggled with disease, suggests that the new epidemic is ...
The ratings aren't intended as a detailed threat assessment and don't indicate which pathogen is most likely to trigger then ...
LDWF has reported a confirmed case of Chronic Wasting Disease in a hunter-harvested white-tailed buck in Catahoula Parish, ...
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is reporting a confirmed case of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in a hunter-harvested white-tailed buck in Catahoula Parish.
The Michigan State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, which works with the DNR to identify CWD in Michigan’s wild deer herd, confirmed the CWD finding. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s ...