The resilience and tenacity of the Zulu warriors subsequently inspired generations of freedom-loving people throughout the African continent, who emulated them and made their own selfless ...
In the ancestral land of Zulu warriors, Gordon learns how the simplicity ... is the ancestral land of the Zulu people. Agriculture and farming have played a principal role in Zulu culture, and ...
I have chosen an armband worn by Shaka Zulu's leading warriors, a reminder of one of Africa's high points. The antique dealer in Pietermaritzburg, Natal, R.S.A., from whom I purchased it ...
Shaka Zulu: The Last Great Warrior is the true story of the legendary African warrior and his struggle to unite his people against the largest empire in the world.
and McGinn repeated his speech to another 150 people in an overspill meeting outside in the street. So he had a few plucky fighters against the Zulu warriors of Corbynism. The Progress people are ...
and warriors (amabutho), that Prince Zulu was behind the problems facing Ingonyama Trust. The king told the gathering that the board was on record saying it was not working for him after meeting ...