Mayers, a Vietnam War veteran, who went on to found the Santa ... "And some drivers give us a one-finger peace sign instead of a two-finger peace sign, but generally speaking, the response is ...
NHK took to the streets of Osaka and asked 59 people chosen at random to pose for pictures. Forty-seven of them, or 80 percent, spontaneously made the peace sign. When asked why they did it, one ...
Vietnam War Protests: The peace symbol, popularized by anti-war movements, became a global sign of resistance. Civil Rights Movement: Protest songs like “We Shall Overcome” unified and ...
The VIETNAM WAR, an undeclared war in Southeast Asia in which the U.S. was engaged from 5 Aug. 1964 until signing a peace agreement in Jan. 1973, affected Clevelanders much as it did other Americans.
The White House is pressured to negotiate for peace. The War officially ends in 1973. The U.S. maintains a presence in the South until Saigon falls to the communists in April 1975. Vietnam is ...
"I am a messenger from the suffering peasants in South Vietnam," Nhat Hanh announced, "and I have come here to tell you that the war must stop." To advocate peace is considered a serious crime in ...
"Fire was falling out of the sky, and it hit me," Kim Phuc Phan Thi recalls of the moment she was burned, just before a photographer captured the horrific image outside Saigon, Vietnam, in 1972 ...