The flag icon has been used on government sites since 2017, said a spokesperson for the General Services Association, which guides federal website standards. The flag had only nine stars because of ...
One year after the first shots of the Civil War were fired at nearby Fort Sumter, the Planter’s three white officers went ...
A search of website archives confirmed the small, nine-star American flag icon existed prior to U.S. President Donald Trump's ...
Most folks will tell you the Civil War began April 12, 1861, with the first shots fired ... The Star, sailing under the U.S. flag, arrived outside Charleston’s harbor just after midnight on ...
By Febrary 1, 1861 ... The Civil War had begun. Immediately following the attack, four more states -- Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee -- severed their ties with the Union.
The Montgomery Conference yesterday passed an act recognizing war with the United ... have no respect for the flag of either the Palmetto State or the Federal Union, but who will attack friend ...
Despite being little more than the answer to trivia questions today, Vaughn Meader was a pioneer who paved the way for ...
The three days of conflict at Gettysburg resulted in 51,000 casualties, making it the bloodiest battle of the Civil War. Courtesy: Library of Congress From 1861 to ... for the Union army 880,000 ...
At 4:30 a.m. on April 12, 1861 ... the Civil War ended in 1865. Four years to the day after Sumter fell, Anderson – by then a retired general – returned to raise the American flag over ...
At dusk on Christmas day, 1991, the iconic hammer-and-sickle flag of the erstwhile Soviet Union ... an all-out war between the two countries. That war was known as the American Civil War.
but they come amid a grinding civil war where the military has steadily lost ground nationwide. With many forces opposing the junta and the election, tensions are set to rise ahead of the ballot ...
Analysis-Risk of Violence Escalates in Myanmar's Civil War as Junta Flags Elections By Shoon Naing ... Members of two major rebel groups - the Karen National Union and the Karenni Nationalities ...