The man in this semi-fictional vignette was Lev Sergeyevich Termen, better known in the western world as Léon Theremin. You know Theremin for the musical instrument which bears his name.
The theremin is popular for its eerie sound output and its non-contact playing style. While they’re typically built using analog hardware, [Linus Åkesson] decided to make one using the ...
Hungarian violin and theremin player Katica Illényi performed a wonderful cover of the original Star Trek theme on a theremin ...
Getty Images Leon Theremin demonstrating his eponymous musical instrument in Paris in 1927 Leon Theremin was famous even then for his revolutionary eponymous electrical musical instrument ...
Acclaimed Icelandic theremin musician Hekla has returned with the announcement of her forthcoming album, Turnar, alongside the release of new single, "Gráminn".