The Hellfire missile that is the fulcrum of the new LCS ... Land-based anti-air use is being conducted with the Stryker IM-SHORAD (Initial Maneuver Short-Range Air Defense) "Sergeant Stout ...
The Marine Operational Test &... The U.S. Navy’s Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) will soon be firing deck-launched Hellfire missiles as part of the Surface Warfare Mission Package that will be ...
The low collateral damage variant of the Hellfire missile, with pop-out blades instead of an explosive warhead, was first documented in 2019, but has remained elusive. Video footage released by U ...
Hellfire is an air-to-ground, laser guided, subsonic missile with significant anti-tank capacity. It can also be used as an air-to-air weapon against helicopters or slow-moving fixed-wing aircraft.
You know, this thing: Although there are clearly major differences between the IM-SHORAD Stryker ... with both Stinger and AGM-114 Longbow Hellfire missiles, sort of resembles the Manticore ...
Defense contractor Mach Industries announced it is working on a new kind of cruise missile called Strategic Strike for the ...
The US military is finding itself in an extremely compromised position after a Hellfire missile, originally sent to Europe for NATO training exercises, found it's way to Cuba, the Wall Street ...